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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora] Empty Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

Indlæg af Nora Tirs Dec 19, 2023 10:46 pm

24th of May – Afternoon
The gardens of the Iostanity Monastery

Gone? Alina Petrova wouldn’t – no, simply couldn’t have left Ilomar, not like this, not without telling Nora. She had not believed it yesterday, when Nitrius, Nitrius, had told the congregation, and she refused to believe it still; spending her afternoon recreation hour pacing the perimeter of the Monastery gardens. Accompanied by the soft crunch of gravel beneath her feet, chirping birds and distant voices, this was the closest thing to solitude Nora had ever known. As spring was evolving into summer, the buzz of insects grew in volume; especially near the flowerbeds, where the tender sweetness of the lilac attracted a flutter of butterflies, and the peonies; white with the crimson edge as if someone had dipped each one carefully in wine, or blood, bloomed with an aching beauty. It was where she usually came to find comfort. To pray. And at first, that was what she had been doing. Clutching the prism, hanging from a thin chain around her neck, so tightly it left a dent in her palm. In this moment of faltering, she needed guidance. Why was it so hard for her to accept the truth? Alina had left her, had left them all. Failed to fill her role as heir to the high priest. And yet… It made no sense. The Alina she thought she had known would not choose solitude, would she? Had it been anyone but the high priest to utter such claims, she would have deemed them lies. But the high priest spoke with the voice and blessing of Iosta, and all Nora could do was pray that her doubts might vanish.

What about me? Had been the first silent words of treachery coming to her mind when she had heard the news. And throughout her day they had stayed present in the back of her head, free to do so because no one acknowledged her. They had made her go to bed and sleep as if nothing was amiss, wake up and go on with her life, just like that. No one had told her what to do or how to act now that she had been abandoned for the second time of her life. She would not call it unfair, for Iosta took great care when making plans and it would never be her fault if Nora failed to see her reasons. For the first time since she had been told she was special, chosen by Iosta, she felt lonely. Lonely, and cold, for the birdsong and lively sunlight could not keep her from trembling. Perhaps she would have cried, let herself break down and relish in despair, but the crunch of steps approaching told her to snap out of it. Instead she turned around. The prism fell back against her chest with a soft thud as she let go, her eyes widened in slight surprise. Striding up the garden path towards her, possibly the last person she might have expected was, ”Gavin?

Join date : 24/12/22
Number of posts : 9

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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora] Empty Sv: Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

Indlæg af Gavin Lør Dec 23, 2023 10:43 pm

Stepping into the gardens of the monastery was like stepping into a painting.  The air scented with the flowers of spring. The sun peaked from the clouded sky, sending streams of sunlight on the garden and him, as if to surround him in some spotlight. Whispers of his name accompanied him as Gavin walked down the gravel path of the gardens. He sent them a kind smile and they greeted him, now with more respect than they ever had before. Earlier that day Gavin had been announced the new heir after the unfortunate sudden departure of Alina. Such a sad thing indeed, he had said to others whenever anyone wanted to talk. Though, unlike them, Gavin knew the truth. He knew Alina had been murdered, dead and truly gone, departed in a way different to what everyone else thought Gavin couldn’t care less about Alina and her departure from this world, except it had given him the opportunity to gain more. More of what? prestige, power, the adoration of the masses amongst other things.

Now the reason as to why Gavin was walking in the gardens was to see if he could find none other than the person who stood Alina the nearest, Nora. Though Gavin had a feeling Alina treated her more like a follower or servant. He put on a kind smile, a smile he had to practice in the mirror when he was a kid, a smile he now could effortlessly fake. He spotted her quickly, the young blonde thing. He could see it on her shocked expression she had not expected him to seek her out.

Hi Nora, just wanted to see how you are doing” Gavin started, his voice soft and kind, at least he made it sound as such, not that he actually cared how she was doing. “You know, with all that has happened these last two days” He continued as he stopped next to her with an appropriate distance between them. The spot was secluded enough to give them the illusion of privacy, but Gavin knew that the other priests would see them. See him be kind to the girl who most likely was the most affected by the departure of his predecessor, could see him be caring and who knows? maybe Nora could turn out to be useful to him too.

Join date : 04/02/23
Number of posts : 9

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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora] Empty Sv: Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

Indlæg af Nora Tirs Dec 26, 2023 10:00 pm

Was this mockery or kindness? Nora did not know. Perhaps Iosta simply wished to flaunt Alina’s departure in her face, perhaps it was a sort of consolation. But here was Gavin, the newly anointed heir, striding towards her, smiling. As if there was anything to smile about. The one she gave in return was strained. Without knowing who she had wanted to see, she knew it had not been Gavin. He had never wasted much attention on her, and she did not understand why he would begin now. If he was trying to replace Alina… Well, that was impossible. Or perhaps he simply cared? Iosta had chosen him, she reminded herself, and he did speak with sincerity. If this was the attention she could get, she was glad to take it.

He wanted to see how she was doing? She crossed her arms protectively in front of her chest, a foolish attempt to keep her pain in check. “It is very kind of you to ask,” She said, looking up at the man who had stopped in front of her. A lot had happened, he was right. As he stood there, haloed by sunlight that rendered his hair golden and enhanced his already sharp features, she almost understood why he was considered attractive. Dormitories were nothing if not great places for gossip. And the rules of the church did not deter conversations about Iosta’s servants. As if they did not have enough in Iosta herself. She shook her head, her smile turning sad;  “It has been rough.” Uncrossing one arm she gestured to the garden,  “The ways of Iosta are inscrutable. Congratulations on your–” She trailed off, promotion? New title? And then, because she could not help it after all, a single tear escaped her, and she turned away.

Join date : 24/12/22
Number of posts : 9

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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora] Empty Sv: Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

Indlæg af Gavin Tirs Jan 02, 2024 9:57 pm

His face remained that perfect mask of fake sincerity and kindness. A slight practiced smile, kind and not condescending at the congratulations. “There is no need for that” he said, sounding more humble than he ever was.

It isn’t easy when a close loved one leaves us out of the blue like that” He said as he looked out over the garden. His tone was understanding, despite him knowing that Alina didn’t just leave the monastery but this world too. After all, he knew somewhat of Nora’s pain, her grief. Gavin had tasted it before himself.

I haven’t told many about this” Gavin started, sounding almost contemplating as if he was about to say something that was hard to speak about. “My younger brother ran away without a word all of a sudden when I was younger and he is still missing,” Gavin said, something vulnerable in his voice.

That sweet, vulnerable act of revealing something so deeply about himself, was all an act of course. Who knew that fact about him would be useful in this way? With this it would appear as if he understood her in a way perhaps no one else in this monastery will.

Join date : 04/02/23
Number of posts : 9

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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora] Empty Sv: Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

Indlæg af Nora Søn Jan 21, 2024 12:28 pm

Nora wiped the tear from her eye, blinking back more, still with her back to the new heir. Iosta give me strength. A butterfly passed her, its orange wings edged in white spotted brown, and she followed it with her eyes as Gavin, with the humbleness required for the role, reclined her attempt at congratulations.

It isn’t easy when a close loved one leaves us out of the blue like that, he said. With a tone almost like he knew. The words made Nora turn her head back around to look at him. How she wanted someone, anyone to understand. To share her pain. She was not crazy for being upset, was she? Gavin continued, sounding like he was about to confess, and Nora’s curiosity triumphed over the potential tears. He had had a brother, lost him too, without a trace. Her initial response was a very quiet “Oh…” And she blinked, taken aback by the vulnerability of Gavin. She hadn’t known this and; “I am so sorry,” she said, and meant it, sorry to have judged him for approaching her. He really had just wanted to console her. “That must be awful for your family.” Without realising, she had once again clutched her pendant. At least Alina was safe, Gavin did not have the privilege of such knowledge. “How long ago was that?” She asked with caution, not sure he would want to talk about it, but being too curious about this sudden revelation of someone possibly sharing her pain.

Join date : 24/12/22
Number of posts : 9

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Indlæg af Gavin Fre Jan 26, 2024 3:26 am

He watched her, or more like watcher for her reaction and the way she turned her little blonde her to him, he knew he had her exactly where he wanted her to be. He smiled once again, a small, carefully calculated to be bittersweet, yet slightly sad. Showing that he was grateful for the apology he assumed to be about his loss.

It will be 11 years ago this august” He said, still keeping that vulnerable aura about the conversation. “The reason I shared this is because sometimes there is value in knowing that someone might understand one's pain,” He continued on with a lie veiled as a truth. “I needed it then, so I thought I’d at least offer it to you now” He added. Sure he sounded empathetic, like he cared for her pain, but in reality he couldn’t care less. The only thing he cared about gaining from this conversation was the possibility of her usefulness to him.

He took a moment to look away from her, glancing at the growing flowers of the garden. Some of them he recognized from his mother’s garden from his childhood. He didn’t know what his mother’s garden looked like now, but certainly far from the well kept garden of the monastery. She could barely get out of bed and do the dishes after his father died.

He let the silence fall between them, letting her speak. This wasn’t meant to be a monologue of his, and it certainly would not be of harm in letting her think she was in charge of the conversation. He’d let her think he had shared a hidden vulnerability of his to offer aid to her pain, as if he cared when he did not. There were few things Gavin had cared about in his life and someone else’s well being and feelings was certainly not one of them.

Join date : 04/02/23
Number of posts : 9

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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora] Empty Sv: Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

Indlæg af Nora Tirs Feb 13, 2024 9:03 pm

He understood her pain. She believed him. The heaviness lifting from her heart had to be Iosta’s way of letting her know she could trust him. Someone cared. “Thank you,” she whispered, “Thank you so much,” and felt slightly guilty about her own grief; she couldn’t remember exactly how old Gavin was, but eleven years ago? He had been little more than a child. A child who had to deal with the pain and uncertainty all alone.

The pendant was warming to the touch of her skin, but she kept her left hand closed around it, letting it ground her. Stretching out her right hand, she ran it over the fragile petals of the peonies. It really does look like blood. Nothing, of course, came off when she lifted her hand away again. A bumblebee buzzed away, startled.

“I guess–” She began, slowly, “I just thought–” She kept her gaze fixed on the flowers. “Why didn’t she tell me? Why didn’t anybody tell me?” The desperation in her voice was increasing. Why hadn’t Iosta? She had been given no sign, no warning. She was special. Was she not? Iosta had chosen her. That was why she was here. Standing in the garden of the place where she belonged. Why then did she feel so helpless, so insignificant? “I'm sorry. You probably have a lot of other things on your mind right now. ”

Join date : 24/12/22
Number of posts : 9

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Indlæg af Gavin Lør Jun 22, 2024 9:36 am

He watched as she caressed the red peonies. A bumble flying away from the sudden disturbance of the leaves. Gavin hadn’t said anything to her thanking, just gave her a small smile.

Nora spoke up again, desperate questions about the whys of it all, and then an apology. “There is no need to apologize,” Gavin said as he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I should be the one to say sorry as I can’t answer your questions,” he added. He knew exactly how to twist his facial muscles in a way that his expression became one with that sympathetic, humbling and disgustingly kind look that so many seemed to love.

Then he got an idea. He could see it almost, if only he tried to push her just a little in the right direction, he could use her. And so Gavin tried reaching out to her with his powers as if he was testing the waters. Although, unlike everyone else. He felt nothing. It was as if a thick impenetrable wall stood between their spirits. What a peculiar thing. He kept trying, just some small unnoticeable tricks, yet nothing seemed to work on her.

He could feel the spark ignite within him, that rare spark of curiosity and wonder. He could work with this maybe, get her on his side, he could maybe then see the extent of this peculiar power she possessed. Perhaps even find a way he could use it through her.

I am glad though, that I can be here to listen,” he said his eyes drifting to flowers and then back at her. as he removed the hand he had placed on her shoudler A small smile appeared again. “I wish I had someone back then,” Gavin added, using the situation with Fallon again to manipulate her. Hoping that he could make it seem they were more similar than they both originally thought. That she might gain something by sticking close to him, and unbeknownst to her he would gain something from that too.

Join date : 04/02/23
Number of posts : 9

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Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora] Empty Sv: Scented sincerity [Gavin and Nora]

Indlæg af Nora Man Jul 08, 2024 11:12 pm

It was unexpected. But the ways of Iosta so often were. The attention Nora had been giving the flowers shifted to Gavin with the weight of his hand on her shoulder. She looked at the hand, then at its owner. Still bathed in golden light. As if he was sent to her by Iosta herself. When was the last time someone had comforted her? She could not remember. Alina had been there for her, right? But Nora had not needed the comfort. At least she had not been able to admit so. Why would she? When Iosta had always taken so good care of her? Of them all. How could physical contact ever compare? Yet here she was. Letting the surprise of feeling the warmth of a human hand on her shoulder, die away, and letting it, and the accompanying words do their job. She tried to smile, wanted to tell him that he had no reason to feel sorry, but the result was a sad grimace and a “Don’t–” that turned into a snuffle.

Had she not begged Iosta for answers? Here was Gavin, being so kind, so honest. Perhaps he could not give her the answers she needed, he did not ease her pain in the slightest. She felt just as hollow and cast aside as before. But she was not alone. Was he part of her answer? Or was she so desperate for everything to go back to normal? A normal that would never really be? A gust of wind, or perhaps it was the hopelessness of her own thoughts, made her shiver and she let go of the pendant to wrap her arms around herself.

They stood in silence for a moment. Her with her arms crossed, him like a fatherly figure, already following in the footsteps of Nitrius. –No, that wasn’t fair, she should not blame him for Alina’s choices. Nitrius had had to choose a new heir, and if Gavin was the best suited, she would have to trust him, like she trusted Nitrius, like she had trusted Alina. He spoke again, and the weight from her shoulder lifted. She followed his hand with her eyes, “I am glad you are here,” this time she managed something that might pass as a real smile, “It’s just– I need some time to readjust, that is all.” Somewhere in her peripheral vision people were moving around, reminding her that life went on, for everyone but her. She would have to pull herself back together too. The leisure hour would soon be up. But her voice was flat as she spoke: “I am sure in time I will come to understand why Iosta acted as she did. After all,” Nora said, looking back at Gavin “she did choose you. And I will trust her judgement.”

Join date : 24/12/22
Number of posts : 9

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